Introduction to Andy

Hello, my name is Andy McDowell and I am a biology major. This is my senior year, and I have been lucky enough to take many interesting classes in my major. I think the coolest thing about being a biology major is the wide variety in classes that you are able to take and the diverse interests of people in your classes. You are able to meet people who will be future doctors and future ecological researchers. I just finished interviewing for some Physician Associate programs for after graduation, and I should be hearing back from them very soon (fingers crossed!). My favorite class last semester was animal histology. It was challenging, but I learned so much in this class that I can say it was truly worth the effort.

I am a huge sports fan. This has been a great year because my lifelong favorite team, the Philadelphia Eagles, finally won their first super bowl championship and are back in the playoffs. I love going to the OU football games. I also make it a point to catch a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game in St. Louis every summer. Sporting events are my favorite way to relax and enjoy time with friends and family.
(Personal photo from the Eagles-Cowboys game)

I have one pet, a golden retriever named Winston. He is unique because he is much lighter in color than most people would imagine when they think of a golden retriever. (In fact, he is almost white). He loves to run around outside and go on walks. I spend most of my time trying to chase him down and prevent him from stealing and chewing on my socks and other things he gets his paws on.

(Personal photo of my dog Winston)

I also love food. In the summer, I spend a ton of time grilling and smoking meats. I have almost perfected a smoked ribs recipe, and I love to make barbecue pulled pork as well. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, and eating is probably a close second. My third hobby is exercising, which is a must based on how much I love my first two hobbies.


  1. That is very cool about animal histology, Andy: you know you are learning new things when most people are probably not even going to understand the title of the course, much less what you were working on in there! I had a book when I was a kid that involved people who for some reason had gotten shrunk down to microscopic size and were on a journey through a human body, exploring all the organs and tissues at the microscopic level. But for the life of me I cannot remember how they got shrunk down to microscopic size and what they were doing in there, ha ha. But just as the microscope gives us power to see things we could not see before, imagination does that too. Maybe you will find some wild cellular story you want to tell as a storytelling experiment this semester: histological fiction! Or stories about Winston: he sounds like a great adventurer himself! I set up a fun Padlet-of-Pets as a Tech Tip series this semester; maybe you will add Winston's picture there: Padlet Tech Tips. I'm excited to see what you do with your project in the world of Mythology and Folklore this time!

  2. Hey Andy!
    What a small world! We finally meet again, but this time in a class! I am excited to be in this class with you and hear all of your wonderful stories. Your golden retriever is so adorable! That is my favorite breed of dogs. I am also a very big football fan. My favorite NFL team would have to be the New Orleans Saints, and it's kind of ironic that they just beat the Eagles this last weekend. I also love exercising, but I need to find time to do it more often. Anyways, I bet you will get into PA school. You seem very talented and dedicated to what you do! Best of luck in this class! :)

  3. Hi Andy!
    Good luck with your PA school applications - that sounds really exciting. Your dog looks precious and I just love how that photo makes it look like he's lying in bed tucked in like a person (is that what he's doing? Wow). I definitely relate to the cooking/eating/exercising trifecta. I've never made smoked ribs but smoked salmon is one of my favorite foods! If you get a chance, make a smoked salmon/cream cheese/dill dip. It's amazing on crackers.

  4. Hi, Andy!

    First off, your dog is super adorable and I love his facial expression in that photo--so serious yet so cute! Also, I hope your PA program applications go well (I am sure that they will!). I, too, enjoy eating but sadly have no ability when it comes to cooking. My low point was burning pasta and being banned from using the stove at my house. But I certainly enjoy eating what others make, especially BBQ, and think it is awesome that cooking is your passion! I hope that you perfect that smoked ribs recipe, save your socks from Winston, and enjoy this course!

    Good luck with the applications and the semester!

  5. Hey, Andy!

    Sorry about your Eagles -- I'm not an Eagles fan, but I root for Nick Foles (and his ability to pull wins out of thin air). I also like that picture of Winston. He looks so regal from that angle. Props to you for perfecting your smoked meats recipe! Cooking is a skill that I've been meaning to improve, but I've yet to make much progress. Good luck this semester!

  6. Hi Andy!

    Good luck with PA school! I hope you get good news soon. It's super exciting that you're so close to graduating!

    Your dog Winston is very cute and that picture makes him look very regal. I've never been a huge dog person but I've always thought golden retrievers are really beautiful dogs.

    It's really cool that one of your favorite hobbies is cooking! I recently started trying to become a better cook, and I think it's definitely a great skill to have. Cooking is also a nice way to relax at the end of a day, plus after you're done you have some great food to eat!

    Good luck with your last semester!

  7. Hey, Andy!

    That is super exciting for you that you are a senior! You are so close to graduating and moving on to the next stage in your life ! I am sure you will have a great life set up ahead for you with your Biology degree. It is awesome that you enjoy the classes you are taking and find them interesting.

    On another note, I am a huge fan of your dog, Winston. Life is always much better with a dog, and luckily, it appears you are not missing out on that. I hope to have a dog again soon. Maybe after I graduate!

    I can also agree with having a favorite hobby of cooking. I enjoy going through Pinterest and finding new recipes to try and cook when I have free time.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your semester!

  8. Hey Andy!

    Winston is adorable! My dog, Kiva, is also a fan of socks. I have to admit, I'm not huge on football, but I try to at least keep up with how OU's doing each season! My husband is the cook in our family, and he's always looking for new techniques to try out, especially with different meats. Maybe sometime y'all could share tips!

    Good luck with your physician associate programs!

  9. Hi Andy! I think it’s really cool that you’re pursuing a biology major and good luck on getting into your Physician Associate program! I’m sure you’ll get it!

    Also, thank you for sharing your picture of Winston! He looks so cute! I’m sure it can be a hassle looking for your socks. My dog, Penny, isn’t a fan of socks but she’ll play hide-n-seek with anyone’s shoes or slides.

  10. Hi Andy! I hope you get into your PA program. PA programs are extremely difficult to get into, so make sure to adequately celebrate when you get in. It's always nice to see another Eagles fan too. They're not too common here in Oklahoma! Also, your dog is super cute. I wish I had a cute dog just like you. Enjoy your semester!

  11. Hi Andy! I really respect you for enjoying Histology, it sounds so difficult. Also good luck with your PA schools! I've been interviewing for medical schools these past few months so I'm in the same boat. Also your dog is so cute!!! I love golden retreivers becaues they're always so gentle and friendly (at least the one's I've met). I really respect people who exercise, it only makes lazy people like me feel even more lazy haha. Can't wait to see what else you contribute this semester!

    -Moriah C.

  12. Hello, Andy! I am also a senior this year! I agree that your major offers a multitude of interesting classes. I must admit that I am always envious of the courses your major offers when enrollment comes around. It is very exciting to hear that you have interviews for some PA programs! I am sure that you will get in!

  13. Hey Andy,

    Congrats on making it to your senior year of undergrad! That is no small accomplishment. I have a lot of respect for someone going through the Biology program. I have heard it is tough!

    I am bitter about last year's loss in the Super Bowl as a Patriots fan, but as of tonight the Patriots just won their 6th title, so I won't complain.

    Good luck in your last semester ( or two ).

  14. Hey Andy,

    Your major sounds really cool and that field of study is definitely interesting and diverse. I wish you luck during your senior year and after you graduate. I also like watching sports, particularly baseball and football but I don't get to go to many games.
    Your dog is really cute. I have a German Shepherd at home who is also a chewer. She is still young so hopefully she grows out of it!

  15. Andy,

    It's great to see ya in here! I just got put in the course a lil late, but I'm glad to be enrolled in M&F with you. I've perused some of your posts, and you have some good stuff so far! I hope you get a lot out of the course! I look forward to reading more of your stories. Best of luck.

    -Lance J.

  16. Hi Andy,

    Animal Histology sounds like a very interesting class, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Winston, is adorable and like you said I was not expecting for him to be as light as a color a he is. Golden retrievers are such kind dogs. I also love food. Trying new restaurants and new food is one of my favorite things to do.

  17. Hey Andy,

    I think I may have commented on your intro post before, but I have some new questions for you! I noticed you are a Biology major and your favorite class was Animal Histology. Have you ever considered being a vet or something along those lines? Also, please let us know how PA school applications turn out!

    Good luck,

  18. Hi Andy!

    Your golden retriever is adorable! I have an almost one year old maltipoo named Dakota who is definitely my best friend. I think it's great that you were able to attend the Cowboys-Eagles game but have to admit I'm a little upset that you weren't rooting for the Cowboys. I'm a Cowboys fan through and through! Congratulations on your senior year! It's such an exciting time. GOod luck the rest of the semester!

  19. Hey there Andy,
    This was such a fun read and I really can’t get over the picture of Winston your dog. He really looks like a great puppy, and Winston probably gets all the lady dogs at the dog park. It is so cool that you like to smoke meats, I love meat. I eat a lot of meat because of this weird diet I am on. Well it was great to get to know you and I can’t wait to read more of your pieces.

  20. Andy, it was really great getting to know you some through your introduction post. I think it is so cool that we are able to interact even though we are in two separate classes (I'm in Indian Epics). I think it is cool that having an online class like this allows us to do that. Again, it was great getting to know you some and the best of luck to you on your future endeavors.


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