Reading Notes: Aesop's Dogs and Cats Part A

Bibliography: Aesop's Dogs and Cats

In The Dog and The Shadow, a dog is walking home with a piece of meat. He crosses a body of water  and sees his reflection. Thinking he sees another dog, he drops the meat when he tries to steal the other dog's meat. This provides a great moral to not reach for excess when you already have what you need. There are a variety fo stories that could be crafted from this.

The second story is the dog in a manger. A dog takes a nap in the straw of the ox. The ox comes up to eat the straw, but the dog is awakened and reacts negatively to the ox. The ox then leaves.

The third story I read was the Cat and the fox. A cat and a fox were discussing their abilities to escape. The cat had one way but the fox had multiple ways. When a pack of hounds came after them, the cat ran up a tree quickly to safety. The fox took time to contemplate which strategy he would use and he was captured. The moral is to stick to one thing you are really good at. This would also provide many great storytelling opportunities.


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