Reading Notes: Extra Credit Sioux Rabbit and Bear

Bibliography: Sioux Rabbit and Bear

The story begins with a rabbit that is out of arrows. The fall hunt was almost ready, but the arrows were gone. His grandma told him to make some arrowheads to kill some game. She told him to go to the bear chief to get some flint for the arrowheads. It was winter, and he stopped at the hut of an old woman on the way to warm himself up. Later, the rabbit told the bear chief that he came for some flint to make arrows. The rabbit gently struck some flint off of the bear's body. The bear kept telling him to take bigger and bigger pieces. Eventually, the rabbit broke the bear in half. The rabbit ran away crying and large amounts of snow began falling from the sky. The rabbit turned back and killed the bears. This is the story of why there are so few bears left.


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