Time Strategies
I have reviewed the schedule that you sent me back, and I think it looks wonderful. I will definitely try to adhere to that schedule, as well as incorporating time for extra credit assignments along the way. Last semester, I very quickly got into a weekly groove and my routine worked perfectly. I will definitely work ahead and try to stay ahead. This was my most successful strategy last semester. I read the article about Realistic Study Plans. This offered great advice. I use a planner and try to incorporate study times. It is also important not to be too lofty with your studying goals. I also like to have a physical list that I can mark as I complete tasks. I also read the article about Recapturing Time. The big thing in this article that I struggle with and need to work on is when and how to say no. It is important to create and stick to a plan, and saying no is not a bad thing. I will definitely try to put this into practice this semester.
I think you definitely qualify as a master of time management from last semester, Andy! And since this class has exactly the same workflow, you'll be able to manage it even more easily this time around. :-)