Reading Notes: The Tar Baby

Bibliography: The Tar Baby

A rabbit helped a man plant potatoes and viewed them as his share of the work so he ate them. Then, the rabbit helped the man plant corn and pulled the corn up by the roots to eat. The rabbit refused to help him dig a well. The man said the rabbit could not have water then, and the rabbit said he is used to licking the dew. The man dug a well, made a tar baby, and left it by the well. The rabbit came and spoke to the baby but it did not answer. The rabbit hit the baby and his paw got stuck. All four of his paws were stuck to the tar baby. The man came and scolded the rabbit. The rabbit pretended to be in fear of a brier patch. The man threw him in the patch as a result of this fear, and this was just exactly what the rabbit wanted. His trick had worked. This would be a fun story to retell with modern characters. I could use almost exactly the same plot with all humans rather than a rabbit, and I could try and keep with my OU theme I have been using.


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