I think the reading and writing assignments are working great for me. The readings are fun and engaging. They provide ample opportunity for storytelling possibilities. So far, I am happy with my blog and website. I have used some tech tips to improve my blogging and I feel that I have a good layout going. I feel that I could always improve on my story posts, but I think I am much farther along than I was at this point last semester. Storytelling is going much better. It is getting easier as the semester progresses. My biggest accomplishment so far has simply been writing fiction stories. I am so used to writing nothing but scientific papers for my major. My reading notes are helping a lot. They are shorter than last semester because I only include information that will help with my story.

I included the poster that I made for a tech tip. It is a great reminder to step back and relax.
Looking forward, I am excited for the future reading opportunities. I look forward to finishing strong and improving my writing as the semester wraps up.
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