Reading Notes: The Eagle's Revenge Part A

Bibliography: The Eagle's Revenge by Katharine Berry Judson

This week I read from the Great Plains unit. The story for Part A that stood out to me the most was the story of The Eagle's Revenge. This is the story of a Cherokee hunter. One night, he heard a loud sound. He went outside and found an eagle eating the deer that he had just shot that day. He then shot the eagle. The man took the deer back to his village and told the story of how he shot the deer and then shot the eagle. They brought back the eagle and had an eagle dance. During the dance, a stranger showed up and they thought he was from a nearby village. The stranger told the story of how he had killed a man. At the end, he yelled "Hi" and a man fell dead. He did this seven times and seven men died. The stranger then vanished. They later learned that the stranger was the brother of the eagle.

It was hard to think of an OU story that did not involve people being killed. However, I think I found one. I could write about how a student came and bragged about how they cheated on an exam for a certain professor's class. All the friends celebrated this "clever feat" with a night out eating in canes in Adams. Suddenly, a man shows up that they did not recognize. He was the TA that grades papers for their other english class. He handed back assignments and all students failed their papers. Much later, they came to find out that this man was the younger brother of the professor who they were bragging about fooling.


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